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Female Students

Self-Esteem Booster Class

During our middle and high school years, most students are trying to figure out who they are.  What do they like?  What do they dislike?  During this process, there is often a conflict that occurs where peers and parents do not approve of their choices and voice their concerns. This conflict can sometimes leave girls and boys very confused:  Do I pursue what I want to do or do I earn my friend's and parent's approval?  More often than not, younger kids will choose what pleases others more than themselves.  When children or adults of any age looses their self-worth due to pleasing those around them; it can cause determintal results.  They begin to not like themselves very much.  This class is a class of self-discovery assisting each student in finding their loves and focusing on who they are as a person.  It will teach students about how to communicate assertively and how to love the person they are regardless of race, gender or ability.

Virtual Classes for Middle School: Monday (5pm-6:00pm)CST

Virtual Classes for High School:  Monday  (6pm-7:00pm) CST

 Once a child finishes 10 consecutive classes; they will receive a certificate of completion.  They can re-join the class at anytime when needed.  WSA instructors are qualified professionals that want to help every child be successful. 

Classes are run August 23, 2021-May 23, 2022.

Registration is required. 

Interested Student

Self-esteem Booster Class

Middle School:  Register

If you want to enroll a student between the ages of 10-13 years of age, please complete the information below.  Students can enroll at anytime throughout the semester.  Classes are held August-May.  Mondays: 5pm-6pm.   A completion certificate can be downloaded once a student attends 10 consecutive classes.  Students can re-enroll at anytime.  Parents/Guardian can also enroll by calling the WSA direct line:  573.451.2151.

Happy Teens

Self-esteem Booster Class

High School:  Register

If you want to enroll a student between the ages of 14-18 years of age, please complete the information below.  Students can enroll at anytime throughout the semester.  Classes are held August-May.  Mondays: 6pm-7pm.   A completion certificate can be downloaded once a student attends 10 consecutive classes.  Students can re-enroll at anytime.  Parents/Guardian can also enroll by calling the WSA direct line:  573.451.2151.

Male Teacher with Students

School District Subscription Plan

School Administrators can now purchase every SEL virtual class being offered per semester for middle school and high school students.  Administrators will be given a code to provide to their students to register absolutely free.

Finally, a way to offer students the social and emotional learning skills they need to be successful in the classroom. 

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